CIRC (Community Information Resource Centers: Community Information Resource Centres (CIRCs) are community-oriented infrastructure and information hubs built to create digitally literate, information-empowered and equitable communities across the country. A typical CIRC is enabled with computers, cameras, printers, projectors, scanners, internet, Wi-Fi and broadband.

Common Service Centres are the access points for delivery of essential public utility services, social welfare schemes, healthcare, financial, education and agriculture services, apart from host of B2C services to citizens in rural and remote areas of the country.

Digital Sarthak are the foot soldiers who are identified and selected from districts to run Digital Resource Centres to build the capacity of women entrepreneurs and women-led CDOs and provide digital services and government schemes to the community.

They are women, youth and young entrepreneurs who work for the well-being of the community. Acting as local service providers, SoochnaPreneurs will serve various information services needs of citizen consumers, especially at the Village, Panchayat and Block levels in more than 135 districts in India.

Facilitators of setting up public Wi-Fi networks and access points by local Kirana and neighbourhood shops through public data offices that will not involve any license, fee or registration.

Any Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE), grocery shop pwner, tea stalls kirana shops, vegetable shop, restaurant owner who have installed Wi-Fi access point at your premises and start selling the internet broadband over Wi-Fi.

VLE’s are Village Level Entrepreneur who delivers various government and non-government services to the end consumers from the CSC outlet (mostly owned).

eMitra is an ambitious e-Governance initiative of Government of Rajasthan. Under eMitra initiative, Common Services Centres (CSC) or Kiosks are set up across Rajasthan to provide different services related to the government departments without the need for the people to visit the government sectors.

Haqdarshak is the first ever enterprise to digitise welfare schemes and provide application support to beneficiaries of these schemes in low-income areas in both rural and urban communities.

Individuals who are running a Computer Training Institute in their villages as a livelihood option and serve the community by catering to digital literacy, digital financial literacy, government schemes and entitlements.

Enabling public libraries with ICT tools and technology so online books can be accessed and libraries can be utilized as digital centers.